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Tag: Plant Care

Posted on 03/06/2025
How to Grow an Areca Palm as a Houseplant
Areca palms are a common sight in outdoor spaces but also make great houseplants. They're easy to care for and can grow in your home in practically any climate as long as they get the proper care. Here are the basics of growing areca palms indoors: Lighting Needs One of the areca palm's most popular characteristics is its...
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Posted on 01/09/2025
How to Grow Banana Plants Indoors
If you want a large, tropical houseplant that will survive in any climate, consider a banana plant. There are dozens of varieties of banana plant, including some smaller varieties perfect for indoor pots. Here are the basics of caring for a banana plant indoors: Light Requirements Most types of banana plant want at least 6 hours of full...
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Posted on 02/22/2024
Is Your Prayer Plant Blooming? Here's What You Should Know
Prayer plants are popular houseplants because of their vividly colored leaves. Like most tropical plants, it's uncommon for prayer plants to bloom when kept as houseplants. However, given the right conditions, you might still notice the pleasant surprise of flowers on your prayer plant. Here is a basic guide to what you should know about prayer plant blooms:...
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Posted on 04/27/2023
Easy-care varieties of tall plants
If you're a beginner with houseplants, large and tall...
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Posted on 04/06/2023
How to Keep Your Cyclamen Blooming
Cyclamen are popular for their bright fall and winter flowers. Often given as gifts during the holiday season, cyclamen flowers can last for several weeks indoors. However, once the blooms have wilted and the plant becomes dormant, many plant owners find it difficult to encourage them to bloom a second time. Luckily, there are steps you can take...
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Posted on 08/04/2022
How to Grow Umbrella Plants
Schefflera, also called umbrella plant, is a popular indoor tree. The plant gets its name from the whorl-like pattern of its leaves resembling the top of an umbrella. The vibrant, glossy foliage creates a dense canopy at heights up to six feet indoors. If you're interested in growing an umbrella plant at home, here are some basic tips:...
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